We started with a brief hunt for the Marsh Sandpiper at Ahuriri in Hawkes Bay. It took a while, but declared its presence after an hour of roosting on a distant sandbank. There were a couple of Pacific Golden Plovers nearby too.
But the next trip was to Great Barrier Island via Whitianga and Red Mercury Island. Snapper were plentiful. Pycroft petrels,Cooks Petrels and the usual Fluttering Shearwaters, a couple of Hutton’s shearwaters, and Buller’s Shearwaters kept us company.
The real highlight of the trip was a pod of False Killer Whales near Port Fitzroy at Great Barrier Island.
Endemic Brown Teal or Pateke kept us company at anchor

We were also treated to old fashioned workups of baitfish surrounded by dolphins with Diving gannets and Flesh-footed Shearwaters.
It was a rough trip back but a useful experience in handling the boat. New Zealand were winners of the Americas Cup!!!
And our Son caught and released his first Blue Marlin fro “Head Quarters”, a friend’s boat.
This week we leave for the Kermadec Islands. There’s great excitement and for sure new additions to our New Zealand bird and sea mammal lists.